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Food and Nutrition Services

Providing healthy food options to families and individuals who need it.

Contact Us: 704-336-3000

Food and Nutrition Services, also known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), is the North Carolina program that provides assistance to households with limited income and resources. Limits vary, depending on the number and ages of residents in the home. The benefit amount is based on the income available to the household members who buy and cook their food together. Benefits cannot be used to purchase items such as detergents, paper products, tobacco products, or alcoholic beverages.

Ways to Apply

Applications can be submitted one of several ways:

Telephone: 704-336-3000

Program Manager, Marya Long
Assistant Director, Vacant
Economic Services Division Director, Adonica Hampton

Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT)

EBT is the method North Carolina uses to issue Food and Nutrition Services benefits. The FNS benefits are placed in an EBT or E-Funds account each month. FNS recipient households use a plastic magnetic stripe card, much like a credit or debit card, to buy food at USDA authorized grocery stores. Once a FNS application is processed, the head of household is sent an EBT card.

Double-Up Bucks

Double-up Bucks helps you bring home affordable, healthy food by matching your SNAP dollars spent at participating farmers markets. SNAP users get tokens in place of cash for purchases at farmers markets. SNAP users do not need to enroll for Double Bucks – just bring your EBT card to participating markets.

Daughter feeding elderly mother with soup.

Recipients who cannot shop for themselves

Recipients who cannot shop for themselves can name someone they trust as an authorized representative. To name such a representative, contact our Customer Connection Call Center at 704-336-3000

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